October 7, 2018: Cheesy Biscuit BLT’s

A couple months ago I woke up from on one of those rare days I managed to sleep thru the dogs hopping all over the bed and licking our faces like they’re coated in BBQ sauce, and my husband was in the process of making cheddar biscuits and gravy.

It was delicious.

Beyond delicious.

My husband is a genius. And fantastic cook.

But then we had the problem of half a dozen of these biscuits leftover and needing to be eaten before the humidity and time got to them- inevitably making them hard as a rock and completely inedible. (Gotta love Georgia weather…. not)

As I was making BLTs for dinner that night, inspiration struck. I could toss the bread in the freezer and use the little nuggets of deliciousness instead. After all, the tomatoes in my garden were the size of golf balls, and when sliced they would fit perfectly.

So away I went, picking those beautiful tomatoes, cooking up some bacon, and making magic happen!


My little tomato bounty- that kept giving ALL SUMMER LONG. So many BLTs and fresh tomato sauce.

Cheesy Biscuit BLTs



12 Jim n’ Nicks Cheesy Biscuits (Recipe here)

3 Tomatoes, slices into 4 slices each

1/4 head lettuce

12 slices bacon, cooked to your idea of perfection




  1. Heat pan
  2. Cut open muffins and put a thin layer of mayo on each inside. Place in hot pan and cook until toasty.
  3. Layer on lettuce, tomato, and then bacon.
  4. Place a little more mayo on the top muffin piece and place on top.
  5. Serve and enjoy!


Mmm, nothing like a little cheesy BLT.



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