February 24, 2018: Zombie Grub Popcorn

Hello all! Welcome back! Thank you for hanging in there with me during the hiatus. Life got crazy here, we were doing some renovations and the kitchen was part of that, so we weren’t even cooking our own meals. Holy cow, I’ve been over fast food for so long now.

I’ve been thinking about ideas and upcoming weeks are going to have some delicious options. I’ll be posting new recipes ever Saturday and am super psyched not only for the new season of The Walking Dead starting tomorrow but all of the delicious items coming up.

This week’s app is inspired by sweet and salty and the want to make something quick and easy to share with my adorable dogs.

I give you:

Zombie Grub Popcorn


1 bag microwave popcorn, already popped

1 cup white chocolate chips

Red food coloring -liquid not gel (gel does weird things to the melted white chocolate


  1. Split white chocolate chips into 2 containers and microwave them for a minute and a half, stirring every 30 seconds, until smooth.
  2. Put drops of red food coloring in one container and stir in, adding drops until you get the color you want- from pink brain colored (as seen below) to blood red
  3. Put popcorn in large bowl and drizzle white and red chocolate over the top and stir well to mix
  4. Once coated, serve in bowls and chow down!

Mmmmmmmm Braaaaaaiiiiiins

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